Some of the upcoming fun is family focused, others will be enjoying the fruits of our garden. The others are larger house projects that require either time or finances. Soon, my school checklist will be broken out and will start to take priority over this checklist. The end is near.
Am I on track to get these tasks
How many of these can I get finished by September 1? Here's the status as of August 1.
- Home
- Organize Under Kitchen Sink
- Organize Linen Closet
Paint Kitchen and HallwayOrganize Dining RoomReorganize- Build Bedroom Wall
- Build Attic Stairs/Entry
- Build Bedroom Closet
- Organize Basement Closet
Clean Basement CarpetsOrganize My Closet- Closet Curtains (
purchased, need to install) - Help Kids organize rooms
- Glassware into storage
- Bulletin Board in Bedroom
- Yard
Paint Bulkhead- Fire Pit (
dig out, border, pit, rocks) - Screen House Office - replacement due to storm damage :(
Organic Veggie GardenSide Shade Garden- Trellis (Pallets)
- Personal Development
Schedule Doctor Appt- Life Insurance (pending)
- Read 5 Fiction Books
InfernoDivergentInsurgentAllegiantFourThe Notebook- Pieces
- Read 5 Non-Fiction Books (or Audiobooks)
- Smart Money, Smart Kids
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Start
- Book #4
- Book #5
- 30 day challenge
- Abs (day 15)
- Arms (day 15)
- Thighs
- Butt
- Shoulder
- Back
- Budget
Annual BudgetEmergency Fund Baby Step 1- Sinking Fund +$2000 (status $600)
- Debt Snowball +600/mo (status $600)
- Eric's Budget
- Office
- Organize File Cabinet
- Organize Manuals
- Shred Documents
Strong Box Break into Old and Purchase newCreate Legacy BoxOrganize BillsTutoring Business CardsLinkedin AccountEric's OfficeEric's Job
- Upload
- TpT
Essential Questions Blue/Purple- Line of Best Fit Project
- Rule of Four
- Worcester (AxiD Corporation):
- Furnace Cleaning (Scheduled August 8)
Sprinkler Inspection (June)- Alarm Inspection (scheduled August 8)
- Washer Service (scheduled August 8)
Fire Extinguisher Inspection (June)- Spackle Walls
- Hot Water Heater Moved (scheduled August 8)
- Exhaust Installed (Scheduled August 8)
Carpets & Couch Cleaned (July 29)
- Canning:
Liquid Laundry SoapPowered Laundry SoapLiquid Fabric Softener- Tomatillo Salsa
- Red Salsa
- Pickles
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Chili Sauce
- Thirty-One:
CONFERENCE (end of July)Year Analysis ($25K in PV)Budget (Jan - June)- RSS
- Set Goals
- Family
Jiminy Adventure Park RaincheckTubing (tenative) - CANCELLED JulyHartford Comic Con (July) - CANCELLEDBoston Comic Con (August) - CANCELLED- Jiminy Adventure Park - reschedule August or Fall
- Scouts:
July 3rd Firework Games (rescheduled to July 5th)Boards of ReviewStar Review - A (At Camp)- Personal Fitness - A
- Citizen of Nation - A
Metalwork - A (At Camp)Climbing - A (At Camp)Tenderfoot Review - C (At Camp)Canoeing - C (At Camp)- Nantucket Trip (August - tentative)