My name is Stefani and I am a teacher.
My live revolves around school, the academic calendar, my family, and my community.
I make no apologies for it.
I have taught middle and high school in the same community since 1995...
when I was a fresh-faced new teacher right out of college... still wide-eyed and enthusiastic.
I'm not so wide-eyed and naive now, but still try to be enthusiastic every day. I've found my niche and hope that I can provide some inspiration to both my peers as well as my students on a daily basis.
I've embraced what my parents have modeled for me: even if that means I'm the Pollyanna of the group (of course, that's assuming that people understand that reference).
Even when the chaos of life gets in the way.
I have noticed that many of the things I have put into place in my classroom either began in my home or have spilled over. I also find that my battle with clutter is an ongoing struggle, both with myself and modeling for my kids. I don't classify myself as a hoarder, but I would state I'm a stacker, a spreader, and a piler... I always seem to have a justification for using something later, but never dealing with it...
This year, I have realized that I have been standing in the same classroom since longer than my students have been alive (yipes) and have some activities that I've been doing even longer. I've purged some files, learned to embrace every changing technology along the way, and am tackling new curriculum and organizational methods this year in my 90 minute blocks.
The pressure to perform is on, and we will rise to that challenge!
I have been looking for outlets for what I have learned and have jumped into the blog-o-sphere, of course, organizing this new endeavor is also a challenge for me!
Let the games begin.
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