So this year, the list comes back out to get all the craziness out of my head and onto (electronic) paper. I still have the sticky notes in my office, but since I'm actually spending LESS time there, and more out and about, this electronic version may be more appropriate this year. Time will tell.
Last summer, my strategy of a TOP 5 list worked quite well. It kept be on track and gave me a target. Sometimes, it was less than 5, sometimes more, but it was a starting point, and I was able to make progress. You can read my FIRST and LAST posts from last year here and here.
This year, I'm attempting what appears to be MUCH more. It seems overwhelming, daunting, crazy; but that's my style. Bite off more than I can chew to give me a lot to feel good about at the end. (Who ever finishes their list anyway?) I plan on rewarding myself along the way... and several of these are setting myself up for fall success in both school and business, so it's worth it.
Three months, and MUCH on my list. Let's get this party started!

How many of these can I get finished by September 1?
- Home
- Kitchen
- Clean and Organize Frig
- Finish shelves & stock pantry
- Organize under sink
- Organize cabinets
- Electric
- Faucet
- First Floor
- Paint Stair Trim
- Organize Breezeway
- A Frame away
- AC Mounting boards (exterior)
- Basement Stairs
- Garage
- Bed to Attic
- Table workbench
- Camp stuff on shelves
- Attic Stairs
- Second Floor
- Organize bathroom closet
- Paint bathroom
- Towel Rods
- Closet Curtains
- Yard
- Organic Veggie Garden
- Potato Condo
- Side Shade Garden
- Trellis (Pallets)
- Chicken Coop
- Personal
- Doctor
- Mammogram
- Pap
- Eyes
- Budget
- Annual Budget Update
- Monthly Budget
- Pay off One Credit Card
- Debt Snowball (+600/mo)
- Sinking Fund ($2000)
- Read 5 Fiction Books
- tba
- tba
- tba
- HS Summer Reading tba
- MS Summer Reading tba
- Read 3 Non-Fiction Books
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- tba
- tba
- Fitness
- Yoga
- Sunday 10:30
- Boot Camp @ Tanya's
- When?
- 30 Day Challenge
- Abs
- Arms
- Office
- Organize File Cabinet
- Organize Manuals
- Shred Documents
- Legacy Box
- Upload
- TpT
- Line of Best Fit Project
- Rule of Four
- #1
- #2
- #3
- #4
- Bundle
- Worcester (AxiD Corporation):
- Furnace Cleaning
- Sprinkler Inspection
- Alarm Inspection
- Washer Service
- Fire Extinguisher Inspection
- Canning, Freezing & Household:
- Liquid Laundry Soap
- Liquid Fabric Softener
- Dishwasher Detergent
- Lemon Kool-Aid Mix
- Green Salsa
- Red Salsa
- Pickles
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Chili Sauce
- Freezer Meals
- Stock Freezer for winter
- Flash Freeze
- Kale
- Carrots
- Peppers
- Potatoes (cook first?)
- Thirty-One:
- Fall Preview - June 12
- Book 3 parties summer
- Book 3 parties fall
- Book 3 vendor events
- Budget (Jan - July)
- Family
- NYC w/ Dad and boys (late June/early July)
- Comic Conn @ Mohegan (August)
- Hike
- Beach
- Tubing w/ Softball
- Scouts:
- Camp
- Pack equipment
- Merit Badges
- Citizenship of the Nation - A
- Archery - A
- Boards of Review/Feast
- School:
- Summer School
- Gr 7
- Gr 8
- Videos on SchoolTube
- INB usage
- Distribution
- Algebra Tiles
- tba
- Geometry Plan
- Year Calendar
- Algebra Review (biweekly - 10-18 packets)
- Math 8 Plan
- Pre-test MC
- Post-test MC/OR
- Vocab Tests MC or Matching
- Checklists (including bookmarks)
- HW Lists
- Study Helps
- Pictures of Current Work for samples (every chapter)
- Vocab Examples too!
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