Friday, September 6, 2013

Setting Goals and Sticking to Them

As the school year is getting into full swing, I finally have a chance to comment on my goal setting strategy with my students.  The challenge, to get them to commit to EIGHT goals (Seven of which are academic) in their Interactive Notebook this year.

The introduction of this task was clear:  Eighth Graders should have EIGHT goals.  Goal setting allows you to see progress, be motivated, feel accomplished.  Goals can be LARGE items or LONG TERM GOALS (like running a 5K) or can be broken down into smaller, manageable goals or tasks or SHORT TERM GOALS (run around the block, then move up to running for 15 minutes, then for a mile...etc).  We compared this to a series of stairs.

I hope to check in with the students on these goals several times a year to check on progress.  Some ideas about motivation, is making paper chain to hang around the room as we accomplish some of these goals (as a class) to add or stickers to add to their traced hands that they posted in my classroom.

At the end of the year, I hope to have an opportunity for students to complete a Goal Board to take with them.  I found that idea from a fabulous resource where my teaching colleagues can post lessons and other resources that they have created.   I also have made a template of my own Quarterly Goal spreadsheet modified for usage that is available for FREE!  We'll see how the year progresses and how these kids strive to reach those goals!

 Create A Goal Board (Smart Goals)s by The SuperHERO Teacher
Template Quarterly Goals  by Stefani's Hope

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